terms and condition

Installation, Activation & Package Charges are to be paid in advance.

Installation & Activation Charges are non refundable.

LAN Card cost is not included in installation amount.

Service Taxes will be charged extra GST @ 18%.

All Package are valid for 30 days.

Customers are requested to renew to their packages within expiry or almost within 23.00 hours after expiry to carry forward their Data.

Customers can renew the Unlimited Packages any time within expiry date, in that case the remaining days will be added in the next renewal.

Customers can renew the Limited Packages any time within expiry date, in that case the remaining data will be added in the next renewal. But the Package will be valid for next 30 days from the Renewal Date.

Any kind of carry forward facilities will not be available for changing of existing packages.

Customers can avail up to mentioned bandwidth for respective packages.

The above packages are valid for selected area’s of Rest of Bengal telecom circle only.

Terms & Conditions related to Online Refund Policy

Online refund may be extended to the User, when the transaction is incomplete, in the sense that the User package is not renewed, but payment has been generated. Then the number of days taken to process the refund and credit the amount to the customers bank account.(upto 5-7 working days).